Spurred by a bequest of her beloved Grandma Kathy’s collection of jewelry and art supplies, Christine Stoll pivoted away from the nonprofit world, back to a creative life in 2010, and has been exploring ways to incorporate her love of vintage elements into art that uses found and repurposed materials. Self-taught with help from mentors and art instructors, Christine's creations are influenced by her passion for the past and a little bit of sass. The results, from jewelry to collage, can be found in shops around the Seattle area and beyond. A portion of proceeds is donated to ovarian cancer research in memory of her grandma.
I am obsessed with old bits and baubles, and the sound of turning pages in a vintage dictionary. I relish the time spent running my hands through bins of vintage buttons, digging through old jars of vintage hardware at flea markets and estate sales, and flipping through my collection of vintage gas station maps.
Whatever I make, from jewelry to collage, I bring that love of repurposing the old and discarded, and add a modern twist, to build a story. Each piece I produce includes a description of the “ingredients” to help build that cherished connection to the past.